Sunday, September 28, 2008

Just a couple of things...

The VA appraisal took place yesterday. We should know whether we are green lighted sometime on Monday. It will be close. We're hoping that since it's been taxed for more than what we are paying for it, that it will appraise for at least that.

Should the appraisal fall short, we do have a few options. 1.) Walk away 2.) Renegotiate the contract so the cost of the house meets the appraisal amount. 3.) Pay the difference of what the house appraises at and the amount we offered. If it's within a few hundred dollars or so, I imagine that we will just pay the difference. We already know that the seller is not going to drop the house price, although we do have about $1000 we can negotiate on, but no guarantees.

In the meantime, last night I scheduled the home inspection for Wednesday morning at 9. We don't anticipate any major problems. The only thing that Trey and I remember being a possibility is the front door needing to be replaced. It has some damage like someone tried to break into it since it's been empty. Usually they don't put appliances in a house until right before the house is closed on for that very reason, but they are already in there.

As of Friday, we satisfied the financial criteria that was placed on us for the loan approval. After this week, we stay in a holding pattern and wait until closing. Trey has a friend from work who will be letting us use his 30 ft trailer so we don't even have to get a moving truck this time. He's going to drop it off after we close and we can load it at our pace, and he'll pick it up and drive it to the new house so we can unload it. Can't get much easier than that.

I spent last night going through my closet. I have a huge black garbage bag that is going to be finding it's way to the Goodwill down the road. As for Jacob's and Kathryn's clothes, I'm going to put them up on craigslist and see if I get any takers. Might as well try to get some money for it, plus a lot of Jakey's stuff is from last winter. Perfect time to sell it. If not, off to Goodwill they go. I'm trying to go through a room a day if possible. It's a bit difficult when you have a Jakey attached to your leg undoing everything as you do it. He is quite the "helper" when clothes or dishes are involved.

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